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Gateway to 3S

The Gateway to 3S Program

The GAN Gateway to 3S Program (GT3S ProgramSM ) mission revolves around the principles of personalization and the utilization of technology tools to support career exploration and personal growth. 

GAN members will use the GT3S ProgramSM  platform on their journey to become workforce ready. The GT3S ProgramSM is a multi-modality (virtual sessions or in-person sessions) after-school or weekend, project-based, and enrichment opportunities program consisting of four core components: Reflection, Explore, Exposure, and Experience.

  • GAN Members can commence their journey within the GAN GT3S ProgramSM once they become a member. Click Here To Join
  • Partners can Click Here to learn more on ways to engage with the GT3S ProgramSM

How Do We Measure GAN Girl Progress?

The GAN GT3S ProgramSM Speedway
The GAN 600

GAN Speedway With Data

A Data and Technology-Focused Approach For Youth Development to Workforce Ready

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Career in Finance Slide

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